Pre Registration Women’s Finals 2019

The National Women’s Chess Championship is carded to take place on 31st August, 2019.

Those who are interested are kindly ask to register in the form below

Date: 31st August, 2019 (starts and will run on weekends thereafter)
Venue: The Cascadia Hotel and Conference Centre
Registration Fee: $110

Registration will be taken online up to 27th August, 2019.
Payments can be made directly to the TTCA’s  First Citizen’s Account:
Account number: 2016302
Bank: First Citizens Bank
Address: 1 Woodbrook Place

Time allotment per player is 1 hr and 30 mins plus 30 secs increment per move from move one.
Default time is 30 minutes. Players must be present before the start of Round 1 to be paired.

The tournament will be FIDE Rated
Pairings will be done on Chess-Results.
The tournament will be played as a nine (9) round Swiss tournament, where there are 7 or more players.
In the event there are 6 players or less in a group the tournament shall be a round robin.
Players defaulting 2 games will be withdrawn from the tournament.

Keelan Hunte


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