TTCA National Individual Primary School Tournament

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The tournament will see participants competing individually. The top 4 players from each school will contribute points for the overall challenge trophy. The school that accumulates the most points among the top 4 players will be the Champions.

Details are as follows:
Date: July 17th 2021 at 1 p.m.
Venue: Tornelo and Zoom
Time Control: 10 min + 5 sec
Rounds: 5 Rounds
Registration Fee: $50.00
Registration and payment deadline will be on Friday 16th July at 11:59 PM

The tournaments will all be hosted on Tornelo at 1p.m on the dates stated above. All players are required to have an account on Tornelo. Players are advised to use their real name when populating their Tornelo account. An account can be created by clicking on the following link:

A link to the tournament is as follows

Competitors will be required to join a Zoom call, share their screen and activate their cameras. Arbiters will communicate with the players through the Zoom chat and vocal communications so the players will be required to pay attention to any Zoom notification. Any player found to have violated fair play will be banned from completing the tournament, will not be eligible for any prizes and may also be barred from participating in future tournaments.


The top three players and the best female of the competition will receive a trophy. The school, that accumulates the most points, wins a challenge trophy for their school.

Point System:
The points attained at the end of the tournament by each child in the top 4 positions for each school will be added to determine the final tally for the National Primary School Championship.

Payments can be made directly to the TTCA’s  First Citizen’s Account:
Account number: 2016302
Bank: First Citizens Bank
Address: 1 Woodbrook Place

Keelan Hunte


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