Chess Club Registration HomeTTCA PoliciesChess Club Registration [A-] [A+] To help promote chess and the person’s associated trainers, arbiters, clubs etc, the TTCA is embarking on publishing persons, who would like to be listed on the TTCA website. We would like the following information from you Note: This is optional. Club Name *Description/History *Executive Members *(Member's of the Executive and their email addresses)Training Address/Meeting Location/Area *Contact Number *Email *Logo Training *NoneIndividualGroupIndividual or GroupsFacebook Page Website Minimum Training Age Maximum Training Age Designations in the Club Grandmaster (GM)International Master (IM)FIDE Master (FM)Candidate Master (CM)Woman Grandmaster (WGM)Woman International Master (WIM)Woman FIDE Master (WFM)Woman Candidate Master (WCM)National Master (NM)FIDE Senior Trainer (FST)FIDE Trainer (FT)FIDE Instructor (FI)National Instructor (NI)Developmental Instructor (DI)International Arbiter (IA)FIDE Arbiter (FA)National Arbiter (NA)International Organiser (IO) VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: