The 3rd National Qualifier will take place in June 2023.
Details are as follows:
Date: June 16th-19th 2023
Venue: Scarborough Library, Tobago
Registration Fee: $110.00
Registration will be taken online up to 15th June, 2023.
Payments can be made directly to the TTCA’s First Citizen’s Account:
Account number: 2016302
Bank: First Citizens Bank
Address: 1 Woodbrook Place
Time allotment per player is 1 hr and 30 mins plus 30 secs increment per move from move one.
Default time is 30 minutes. Players must be present before the start of Round 1 to be paired.
Round 1 – Friday June 16th 5.00pm
Round 2 – Saturday June 17th 10:00am
Round 3 – Saturday June 17th 4:00pm
Round 4 – Sunday June 18th 10:00am
Round 5 – Sunday June 18th 4:00pm
Round 6 – Monday June 19th 10:00 am
Round 7 – Monday June 19th 4:00pm
The tournament will be FIDE Rated
Pairings will be done on Chess-Results.
The tournament will be played as a seven (7) round Swiss tournament, where there are 7 or more players.
In the event there are 6 players or less in a group the tournament shall be a round robin.
Players defaulting 2 games will be withdrawn from the tournament.
1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $300
3rd Place – $200
- This Open tournament shall be a seven (7) round Swiss.
- The rules of FIDE Tournament Regulations are in force at all times. The Chief Arbiter may advise of additional rules before the start of Round 1.
- The control of the tournament, including changes to fixtures shall be the responsibility of the Chief Arbiter (CA). The Chief Arbiter may consult with the Chief Organizer (CO) and Tournament Director (TD) as required.
- The Arbiter shall resolve all disputes during the course of play.
- All games will be played at the venue and at the times indicated unless stated otherwise by the Arbiter.
- The game is lost by a player who arrives at the chessboard more than half (1/2) hour after the start of the session unless specified otherwise by the Arbiter, e.g. because of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Arbiter and players.
- Each session of play shall be governed by the following time control: One (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes for all the moves with an incremental time of thirty (30) seconds per move from move one (1).
- If a player’s flag falls before the time control is reached he/she automatically loses. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player by any possible series of legal moves, even against the most unskilled counter play.
- All participants are bound by the Laws of Chess and should behave at all times during the tournament in accordance with FIDE statutes and the highest principles of sportsmanship, settling all controversial issues by agreement and in the spirit of FIDE. Players who flaunt the established rules of play or norms of good conduct may be penalized by the Arbiter.
- Cell phones and other electronic communication devices must be turned off and left at the designated station during play. A player loses the game when a cell phone or electronic device is found under his/her control in the playing venue during play.
- No player may leave the area designated for players during the session without the knowledge of the Arbiter. The player having the move cannot leave the chessboard without permission of the Arbiter.
- A player who has lost two (2) games consecutively by default because he/she has not appeared for the beginning of the games within one half hour of the commencement of the session shall be considered to have withdrawn from the tournament unless otherwise determined by the Chief Arbiter.
- It is unsportsmanlike to pre-arrange game results. The Arbiter can impose penalties in a case of clear contravention.
- A player who does not wish to continue a lost game and leaves without resigning or notifying the Arbiter is discourteous and may be penalized at the discretion of the Arbiter for poor sportsmanship.
- Players must observe a proper dress code that will not distract other players or have the potential to bring the tournament into disrepute.
- No smoking or consumption of alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the playing area for the duration of the tournament. This applies to everyone present –players, officials, media representatives and spectators.
- Spectators should make every effort to be as unobtrusive as possible. Spectators may be asked to stand in designated areas and areas in close proximity to players may be restricted. Persistent loud noises, noticeable gesticulation or any activity that can interrupt the concentration of the players will not be tolerated. Direct interference with the outcome of a game (e.g. suggesting a move to a player) shall result in the individual being expelled from the event.
- Spectators must observe a proper dress code that will not distract players or have the potential to bring the tournament into disrepute.
- Use of flash in the playing area is restricted to the first ten minutes of the first round and the first five minutes of each subsequent round, unless the Chief Arbiter decides otherwise. Photographs without flash may be taken during the rest of the round in the playing area only with the permission of the Chief Arbiter.
- Fair Play measures will be applied over the course of the tournament with FIDE Anti-Cheating Regulations. With the sole exception of play recording equipment, during a game, players are prohibited from having at the venue any electronic device that has not been specifically approved by the arbiter. Such devices can be stored in a player’s bag, as long as the device is completely turned off. This bag or bag must be placed as agreed with the arbiter and the player is prohibited from using it without the arbiter’s permission. Companions or spectators are prohibited from using electronic devices at the place of play, except to take photographs when explicitly approved by the arbiter.”
- When there is a dispute the Arbiter will make every effort to resolve the matter by reconciliation. If such means fail, where penalties are not specifically defined by FIDE Laws or Regulations, the Arbiter has discretionary power to impose penalties. Some of these penalties could include:
- Issue a formal warning.
- Advance the time on a player’s clock or give his/her opponent additional time.
- Cancel a game and rule that a new game be played in its stead.
- Declare a game lost by a player and won for his/her opponent.
- Declare a game lost by both players.
- Expel a player from the competition.
- Warn a spectator or expel him/her from the tournament room if he/she interferes in the game.
- Other penalties as the Arbiter sees fit.
- All players shall keep a correct and legible score of their games on the score sheet provided. Players are mandated by the Laws of Chess to score at all times. Scoring must be done after making the move, not before.
- When a game is completed the winner shall report the results to the Arbiter and both players shall submit a signed copy of their score-sheet. In the event of a draw the obligation of reporting the result devolves on both players.
- The final ranking of the players is determined by the number of points scored where a Win is 1 point, a Draw ½ (or 0.5) points and a Loss 0 points.
Where players have the same number of points a Tie Break system shall be used in the order given as follows:
- Head to Head
- Number of games won
- Buchholz – cut 1
- Buchholz – no cut
- If still tied Tie-break Games shall be played as described below for determining the top three (3) players only. For other tied places the players shall be declared as tied. If a group of players tie for a number of prizes, the money will be divided equally.
Tie-break Games as required for determining the top three players: after drawing of colors, two (2) tie-break games shall be played to determine the winner with a time control of 3 minutes plus 2 seconds per move.
Initial colours shall be determined by lot in all cases below.
- If two players have to play a tie-break match:
They play a two-game mini-match at the rate of all the moves in 3 minutes with 2 seconds added on for each move from move 1. If this match is tied: - A new drawing of lots for colours shall take place. The winner shall be the first winner of a game. After each odd-numbered game the colours shall be reversed.
- If three players have to take part in a play-off:
They play a one-game round robin at the rate as in a. If all three players again tie: - A new one-game round robin is played until there is a winner or a two-player tie.
- If there is a two-player tie the procedure is then as in (a) for the two tied players.
- If four players have to take part in a play-off:
They play a knockout. The pairings shall be determined by lot. There shall be two-game elimination matches at the rate as in (a). - The right is reserved for the Chief Arbiter to make necessary changes to the play-off rules.
- Where only two players are involved in the play-off, they may play at a slower rate of play, if time permits, by agreement with the Chief Arbiter and Chief Organizer/ Tournament Director.
- If two players have to play a tie-break match:
Between each stage of the tie-break games there shall be a pause of at least 10 minutes, unless the Chief Arbiter decides otherwise.
- An Appeals Committee for the tournament shall be selected to rule on appeals from players concerning a decision of the Arbiter. The Appeals Committee shall consist of three members and two reserve members. No member of the Appeals Committee shall take part in a decision affecting him/her. Appeals Committee members must be 21 years or older.
- A player may appeal any ruling made by the Arbiter, guided by the provisions of item 26.
- Appeals must be submitted to the Arbiter for deliberation by the Appeals Committee in writing, not more than one (1) hour after the end of the relevant playing session and accompanied by a fifty TT Dollar (TT$50) deposit. The deposit will be returned if the appeal is successful or if the Appeals Committee believes the protest was warranted even though it was unsuccessful.
- The evidence of an independent third party is required to support any claim by a player that his/her opponent violated a law. An unsubstantiated claim shall be rejected.
- The Chief Organizer and Tournament Director shall assist in the convening of the Appeals Committee so that the Appeals Committee can reach its decision in a timely manner, if possible before the next playing session. Its decision is final.